Mob head drops
All mob heads have a chance to drop when killed, supported up to 1.21 mobs (excluding new wolf variants from 1.20.6). Looting bonus applies using drop chance + (looting level / 100)
. Below shows all the obtainable heads and their base drop chances.
Mob | Variants and drop chance |
Player | 50% |
Allay | 20% |
Axolotl | Blue 100% Cyan, gold, lucy, wild 20% |
Bat | 10% |
Bee | 20% Normal, pollinated, angry, angry pollinated |
Blaze | 0.5% |
Camel | 27% |
Cat | 33% All black, black, british shorthair, calico, jellie, persian, ragdoll, red, siamese, tabby, white |
Cave Spider | 0.5% |
Chicken | 1% |
Cod | 10% |
Cow | 1% |
Creeper | Charged 100% Normal 0.5% |
Dolphin | 33% |
Donkey | 20% |
Drowned | 5% |
Elder Guardian | 100% |
Ender Dragon | 100% |
Enderman | 0.1% |
Endermite | 10% |
Evoker | 25% |
Fox | 10% Red, snow |
Frog | 20% Cold, temperate, warm |
Ghast | 6.25% |
Glow Squid | 5% |
Goat | Screaming 100% Normal 1% |
Guardian | 0.5% |
Hoglin | 3% |
Horse | 27% Black, brown, chestnut, creamy, dark brown, gray, white |
Husk | 6% |
Iron Golem | 5% |
Llama | 24% Brown, creamy, gray, white |
Magma Cube | 0.5% |
Mule | 20% |
Mooshroom | 10% Red, brown |
Ocelot | 20% |
Panda | 27% Aggressive, brown, lazy, normal, playful, weak, worried |
Parrot | 25% Blue, cyan, gray, green, red |
Pig | 1% |
Piglin | 4% |
Piglin Brute | 10% |
Zombie Piglin | 0.5% |
Pillager | 0.5% |
Polar Bear | 20% |
Pufferfish | 15% |
Rabbit | 26% Black, black and white, brown, gold, salt and pepper, toast, white 100% killer bunny |
Ravager | 25% |
Salmon | 10% |
Sheep | 1.75% black, blue, brown, cyan, gray, green, light blue, light gray, lime, magenta, orange, pink, purple, red, white, yelow 10% jeb_ rainbow sheep |
Shulker | 5% |
Silverfish | 5% |
Skeleton | 0.5% |
Skeleton Horse | 50% |
Slime | 0.5% |
Sniffer | 50% |
Snowman | 5% |
Spider | 0.5% |
Squid | 5% |
Stray | 6% |
Strider | 10% Normal, shivering |
Tadpole | 10% |
Trader Llama | 24% Brown, creamy, gray, white |
Tropical Fish | Normal 10% 50% Anemone, black tang, blue tang, butterflyfish, cichlid, clownfish, cotton candy betta, dottyback, emperor red snapper, goatfish, moorish idol, ornate butterflyfish, parrotfish, queen angelfish, red cichlid, red lipped blenny, red snapper, threadfin, tomato clownfish, triggerfish, yellow parrotfish, yellow tang |
Turtle | 10% |
Vex | 10% |
Villager | 100% Armorer, butcher, cartographer, cleric, farmer, fisherman, fletcher, leatherworker, librarian, mason, nitwit, none, shepherd, toolsmith, weaponsmith Variants for desert, jungle, plains, savanna, snow, swamp, and taiga |
Vindicator | 5% |
Wandering Trader | 100% |
Warden | 100% |
Witch | 0.5% |
Wither | 100% Normal, invulnerable, armored, armored invulnerable |
Wither Skeleton | 2.5% |
Wolf | 20% |
Zoglin | 20% |
Zombie | 2.5% |
Zombified Piglin | 0.5% |
Zombie Villager | 50% Variants for armorer, butcher, cartographer, cleric, farmer, fisherman, fletcher, leatherworker, librarian, mason, nitwit, none, shepherd, toolsmith, weaponsmith No biome specific variants like Villagers |
Armadillo | 20% |
Bogged | 0.5% |
Breeze | 5% |
Last updated