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The server has a bunch of chat based games to engage the chat and have fun! To participate, just type in chat! To view the leaderboard of most wins, see /cglb
Each win of a chat game excluding coin flip, will win one of the following:
Lucky double, 25 vibecoin, 50 vibe exp
Vibe exp 15, 25, 35, 50, lucky 200
Vibecoin 5, 10, 15, 35, lucky 100
On a random interval, a coin flip game will appear in chat with a value between 8 and 64 vibecoin. Place your bet on what it will land on by typing "heads" or "tails" in chat. If you bet correctly, you earn the coins value of vibecoin in your balance. If you bet incorrectly, you lose the coins value of vibecoin from your balance. You must have at least the coins value to place a bet on the coin. The coin "lands" after 25 seconds.
The first person to unscramble a randomly shuffled Minecraft block, item, or mob name wins!
The first person to solve a randomly generated simple math equation wins. Includes addition, multiplication, subtraction, and division equations you can do in their head with a little thinking!
The first person to type a random Minecraft block, item, or mob name wins!
The first person to type a randomly generated sequence of characters wins; don't forget to match the capitalizations!
The first person to answer a random trivia question related to Minecraft wins!
The first person to fill in the missing letters of the partially blanked out Minecraft block, item, or mob name wins!
The first person to put the shuffled words of a random game library entry back in the right order wins! Eg. put "Blue Stained Light Pane Glass" in the right order; "Light Blue Stained Glass Pane"!
The first person to put the reversed & shuffled words of a random game library entry back in the right order wins! Eg. put "kraD sknalP kaO" in the right order; "Dark Oak Planks"!
The first person to put the randomly picked reversed Minecraft block, item, or mob name back in its right order wins!