Tweak list
Crops and trees grow in unloaded chunks at a slightly reduced speed
Keep-inventory when dying using vibecoin
No attack cooldown (1.8 pvp + sweeping)
Loot chests in structures regenerate 12 hours after looted for other players (1 chest per player)
Fire spread is off
No creeper/enderman block damage in the overworld or in claims (unless turned on)
Pets have an increased breeding delay of 30 minutes
No player collisions
Chests can be opened with a solid block on top
No vibecoin or xp death penalty for pvp deaths
Lapis put in enchantment tables persists in that slot inside the table
No crop trampling
Horse max speed chance and jump height chance has been increased
Monthly end resets
The Enderdragon will always drop an egg when killed
No Phantom spawning (membrane can be acquired by upgrading fishing skill)
Left click on ageable mobs with a milk bucket to turn them into a baby
Teleporting in a boat takes the passenger mob with you
Teleporting while riding a horse takes it with you
Totem of undying works in any inventory slot
Firework explosions don't deal entity damage
Last updated